PR-200 flexible glass door with heavy duty rail
INAL® Frameless Movable Glass System, parking-type, with heavy duty certified aluminum rail 70 mm x 80 mm with embedded stainless steel rod & certified stainless steel rollers. Unlimited design possibilities for parking areas (vertical, diagonal or parallel parkings). Ability to create swing door panel with overhead concealed door closer in intermediate sections of openings (PR200/ SOC). Weather proofing along the entire length of the panel (PR-F200). Locking with Stainless steel front or side bolts or locking with double locking lock mechanism.
Available in Do It Yourself (DIY) or Made to measure upon request.
PR-200/R76 flexible glass door with heavy duty rail
INAL® Frameless Movable Glass System, parking-type, with heavy duty certified aluminum rail 55mm x 76mm with embedded stainless steel rod & certified stainless steel rollers. PR-200/ R76 System is the proposition for easily self guided storage of the flexible glass panels. Ability to create swing door panel with overhead concealed door closer in intermediate sections of openings (PR200/R76SOC). Weather proofing along the entire length of the panel. Locking with Stainless steel front or side bolts or locking with double locking lock mechanism.
Available in Do It Yourself (DIY) or Made to measure upon request.

Folding Door

Folding Door
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